Can this be true? King Charles’ Former Butler Doesn’t Remember Anyone Ever Crying in Front of Him After Princess Diana’s Death


Most people who were alive at the time and have any recollection of Princess Diana, remember exactly where they were when they heard the tragic news that she died following a care crash in Paris.

Now, someone who used to work for the royals is recalling how they heard the news, the reaction from others at the Palace, and the last time the family decided to mark the anniversary of the Princess’s death publicly.

Grant Harrold was King Charles’ butler for seven years. During his time working for the now-monarch his duties included that of valet, house manager, and driver as well. He also looked after Prince Harry and Prince William whenever they stayed at Highgrove House.

As another year since Princess Diana’s death approached, Harrold reflected on the morning he heard the awful news and what it was like working for her family during some poignant times, including when her sons marked the 10th anniversary of her death.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, Harrold said: “I was 18 when she died. I remember it so clearly. I couldn’t sleep and it was five in the morning when I heard she had died. The day after she died, I started my first job as a trainee butler. It was my very first job.

“I remember being in this house, and on the silver tray it had the name Charles, as in the king now,” Harrold recalled. “I remember thinking, ‘I would like to look after her boys and help.’ And that’s when I made the decision of wanting to work with the boys and their dad.”
In all his years working in the Palace, Harrold doesn’t remember ever seeing anyone cry or break down over Diana’s death.

Can this be true? King Charles’ Former Butler Doesn’t Remember Anyone Ever Crying in Front of Him After Princess Diana’s Death“The job was brand new to me, and it feels like yesterday. I remember it being sad, but I don’t remember anyone crying in front of me,” he revealed. “People just couldn’t believe it. I just went along with it all. I was just thinking about how it will be a part of my job to be looking after the family from now on.” The former royal butler also talked about when Prince William and Prince Harry decided to publicly mark their mother’s death on the 10th anniversary in 2007.

“I remember the 10th anniversary of her death as it was when I was working for the king. There was a big party to mark her anniversary,” Harrold recalled. “William and Harry were working on that, and they said that it would be the last time they would publicly do something to remember her death.

“The first couple of years after she died, there were tributes to remember her. But that’s when they drew the line. Every now and then, they do share a story. But as far as remembering her on her anniversary goes, that is now done privately. And they said that would be the case in 2007.”